Community Montessori School
All the News from CMS!
Stephanie Sayre • October 29, 2024

What a Great Festival!

While the temp stayed a bit on the warm side, we had a great time at last Saturday's International Festival. Thanks to everyone who helped to make this event outstanding!

It's wonderful to have our whole community come together for a fun celebration. One of the most important things, I think, is the way this event highlights student work. From the amazing table displays and reports to the creative items made by Nova students, it was a great example of what Montessori students spend their days doing! 


As you know, we had a great book club get together earlier this month discussing The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. We are planning a second book club after the new year so stay tuned! Part of the conversation around The Anxious Generation was how to move back towards a play-based childhood, where kids get more opportunities for social experiences and free play with their peers.

To that end, we are doing a trial run of an All Ages Play event at the school. Saturday November 16th, from 10am to 12noon, the CMS playground will be open to ALL AGES for play! We have 3 parent volunteers who are hosting the event so please save the date and plan to spend your Saturday morning having fun at CMS.


Nova Middle Schoolers are looking for some parent volunteers for a NEW mentor/internship program we are launching this year! As part of a study unit on occupations, we are looking for parent volunteers who work within a reasonable radius of the school, to host a Nova student for a morning, a week, or more, to see what their work and workplace involves. Dates for this unit are the 3 weeks of December before the break - Dec. 2nd thru 20th.  Ideally, students would come for a few days and help with projects or needs at your workplace so its more than just a tour. Students are especially interested in engineering, small business ownership, film making, aviation, medical fields, and chemistry. Quite a list! But we are open to anyone who would like to participate. 

If you're interested or would like to hear more, please email Stephanie at

For Small Hands Fundraiser

It's nearly the end of October and likely some of you are already thinking about the winter holidays. As you are considering gifts for your child this year, please take a look at the For Small Hands catalogue! 

This is offered by Montessori Services, a company CMS has used for years to supplement Montessori materials in our classrooms. They have great toys & items for families wanting to continue with Montessori style at home. Give our school number when you order & CMS receives credit we can use for classroom supplies. It's a win-win! Here's our school number:


CMS Calendar

  • Nov. 1st - No School (Conference Day)
  • Nov. 8th - Nova Parent's Night Out
  • Nov. 16th - ALL AGES PLAY, 10am to 12 noon 
  • Nov. 25-29th - No School (Thanksgiving week)

Fall is coming! Get your cool weather Spirit Wear HERE.

The mission of Community Montessori School is to provide authentic Montessori education

in a nature-rich environment that cultivates collaboration, curiosity,

love of learning, and respect for oneself, others, and the world.

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