Community Montessori School

Anna M.

Attended CMS: 2008-2012

Anna M., a senior in Georgetown High School, credits CMS for her independence, eagerness to learn, and her drive to do well in school.

Q: How long were you at CMS?

A: I attended CMS for 4 years from 2008 to 2012.

Q: Where are you now?

A: I am a senior at Georgetown High School.

Q: What are some of your most memorable moments at CMS?

A: I remember the cultural lunches, outdoor plays, and working on the Pink Tower.

Q: Which schools did you attend after CMS? Describe your transitions.

A: I attended Zion Lutheran and Gateway after CMS. My transition was marked with more independence than expected and an eagerness to learn new things.


Q: What are some of the challenges you faced?

A:  One notable challenge I faced after transferring out of CMS in Kindergarten was learning how to print because we were not permitted to write in cursive. I also struggled with having less independence as the lessons were more structured.

Q: Do you think CMS prepared you for your subsequent education?

A: Most significantly, CMS prepared me for my education by making me love learning. I also learned independence and responsibility. My love for learning made me eager to learn, and I developed a drive to do well in school. 

Q: What interests did you pursue while you were at CMS? Are you still pursuing those actions?

A: I pursued writing and art at CMS. CMS helped spark my passion by encouraging discovery and improvement in my interests. Today, I use writing frequently in school with composition essays, and I use art as a form of creative expression.

Q: How do you think Montessori education prepared you for life?

A: Montessori education taught me the value of learning and because of that I have continued to enjoy new things. I work hard in school and find joy in knowledge. This will help me in college and my future career. 

Q: Do you have any words of advice for current CMS adolescent students?

A: Be kind to others and never doubt your abilities. Work hard and have a good work/life balance.

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