Community Montessori School
Back and ready for the bustle...
Stephanie Sayre • November 28, 2023

I hope you all had an enjoyable Thanksgiving break. It was so nice to see all our students on Monday, and they must have eaten well too as many seemed to return much grown! We have just three short weeks before Winter Break begins and there's alot to pack in so buckle up and enjoy the bustle!

The Development of Writing

Dr. Montessori had much to say about the development of writing and there are many facets that are quite fascinating to think about. For the young child, this development is focused largely on physical components, such as developing the fine motor skills that enable legibility and learning to connect letters and words in such as way as to form words and sentences. First plane students in Casita and Children's House classrooms greatly enjoy activities of Practical Life, such as sewing, painting, and polishing, which prepare their hand for writing. They also work with letter sounds and symbols and enjoy the physical activity of "building words" with the moveable alphabet.    

Once these skills are established, then comes the bigger one - having something to say! It's much harder to find photos that illustrate how children develop their own ideas, through critical thinking and self expression. As CMS students grow into adolescence however, it is this element that becomes our primary focus. While all the while continuing to build their physical and mechanical skills that enable students to become excellent communicators. 

Holiday Shopping? Look Here

For Small Hands is a catalog for parents put out by a long time classroom supplier called Montessori Services. It can be hard to find high quality toys and fun stuff that offers the hands-on engagement that our CMS students love so much! Here's a short cut for you if you're looking for such and - bonus time - its also a fundraiser for CMS. If you use our school number when placing your order, CMS receives a portion in store credit that we can use to get more awesome supplies for our classrooms. 

104018 is our school number. Order soon to insure holiday delivery. 

Need a Break from the Bustle?

Sign up your kids for the next Nova Community Parent's Night Out and take a time out for yourself. On Friday, December 8th join Nova Adolescent Community students and guides for a fun filled evening of crafts, games, and more. Kids ages 5 and up can sign up here. The event is from 6 to 10pm. Only a few spots are left so be sure you sign up now! All procceds from the event help to fund our spring trip. Thanks!

CMS Calendar

  • Dec. 8th - Nova Parent's Night Out, 6-10pm in Nova
  • Dec. 15th - Last day of classes in 2023
  • Dec. 16th thru Jan. 2nd - No School, Winter break
  • Jan. 3rd - Classes resume

Cold weather Spriit Wear is here!

The mission of Community Montessori School is to provide authentic Montessori education

in a nature-rich environment that cultivates collaboration, curiosity,

love of learning, and respect for oneself, others, and the world.

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