Community Montessori School

Caroline Sofia B.

Attended CMS: 2004-2013

Carolina Sofia discovered her passion for geography in CMS’ lower elementary classroom. It’s now the focus of her higher education.

Q: How long were you at CMS?

A:  I think I started at 2.5, but Mom thinks I began at 3. Miss Chrissy was my guide, and I still see her every now and then.

Q: Where are you now?

 A: I’m a graduating senior at the University of Texas at Austin. I’m working on a B.A. in International Relations and Global Studies with a minor in Philosophy of Law. After that, it is a graduate school where I will study international trade and finance.

Q: Describe some of your memorable moments as a student.

A: A lot of them involve the playground. We used to be so intense about soccer that Mr. Hooper would stand as a referee. We also did a lot of cooking and baking in the upper elementary kitchen. We baked a lot of focaccia bread and pizza.

Q: Describe your transition to traditional school.

A: CMS only went up to sixth grade in those days. I went to Austin Montessori School for seventh and eighth grade, which was a nice mid-way transition. After that, I moved to Seattle, and I attended a private school. We moved back to Austin in a year. Those transitions were harder, but I’m someone who is willing to do what it takes to make it work.

Q: How did CMS prepare you for middle school and high school?

A: We did a lot of group work early on. That concept becomes extremely relevant later. I am currently working on a project for the state department. I’m working with 5 other people. We all have to write a paper, and we all have to agree. Having those foundational social skills that CMS provides is the key. CMS also helped me with math. I took a calculus course in college, and we saw a video in class that showed how the concepts physically worked. I recognized the Montessori materials in the video and then I knew that I got this.

Q: What interests did you pursue while you were at CMS? Are you still working on those passions?

A: I loved geography, anything with capitals. I clearly still do. I remember playing a name the capital city game with my friends. I also enjoyed writing reports and stories. Now I focus on how geography intermingles with history, politics, culture, and economics.

Q: How do you think your Montessori education prepared you for life?

A: Montessori made me independent. I learned how to cook and bake. The camping trips in lower and upper elementary helped with independence, too. CMS prepared me to be on my own and made me passionate about my learning.

Q: Do you have advice for CMS’ current  adolescent students?

A: Focus on what you are passionate about. The things that you like will be the things that you want to study later in college. And don’t put too much pressure on yourself in high school. Montessori prepares you in a way that you end up being leagues ahead of your classmates.

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