Music and animals were Davi’s passions while she was at CMS. Now, she is enjoying choir and is taking courses in veterinary science.
A: I attended CMS from the fourth grade to the eighth grade.
A: I am a sophomore at Georgetown High School.
A: There were a lot. Definitely the community and the friendships that I had. It was more like a family, instead of a classroom. When we worked together, we were always laughing. I remember our school trips. I also enjoyed all my interactions with the animals at the farm.
A: It was a lot different than CMS and it took a little while to adjust. Suddenly, I had so many classes and a huge school to navigate. It was different socially, too. There were only 14 to 20 students at CMS. Homework was probably the hardest transition. Keeping up was difficult at first. But I was prepared for the curriculum because of CMS. I knew lots of things.
A: I was academically prepared because of all of the content that we learned. Since I learned Algebra 1 in eighth grade, I was a year ahead of most people at my high school. I did well in English last year because CMS prepared me for it. CMS also helped me create better relationships with my teachers.
A: Yes, music! I played the ukelele at CMS. And we were always singing. In high school, I joined the choir. We would also go to the farm at CMS, where I worked with the chickens. That sparked my interest in animals, and now I’m in the veterinary science track.
A: Firstly, it helped build my character. I know how to be a kind person. It also helped me become more independent. CMS taught me how to deal with failure. In Nova, we did high-level physics and chemistry, and we weren’t always successful. CMS taught me how to be myself without any pressure.
A: Going to high school is a big switch, and it is scary. But you will get used to it. Find a good system to stay on top of things from the get-go.
Community Montessori School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex or gender, disability, or age in providing educational services and programs. CMS recognizes that we live in a diverse and interconnected world and strives to create a community that reflects the breadth of human diversity.