Community Montessori School
Fall Class Trips
Stephanie Sayre • September 19, 2023

The Nova community enjoyed their fall trip earlier this month with 3 days of planned activities at Highland Lakes Camp. Now the Redbud upper elementary group will take their turn. You might be wondering - why are trips part of the Montessori curriculum for these age groups? Well, I'll tell ya!

The Fall trip is a camp experience where activities are planned by camp staff, meals are provided, and facilities are in place and ready. Students experience a safe environment where taking some risks and challenging themselves is supported and encouraged. Individually, they come back with a new sense of confidence in themselves.

But the real value of the trip comes from the group bonding and peer support that all the students experience. Team challenges are a large part of the fun and students return from the trip with a deeper bond and acceptance of their classmates and first hand experience with the "we're better together" motto!

To everyone who came out Saturday for the Montessori Journey. It was a fun time getting to step into the child's shoes and work with Montessori materials in each of our age levels. Please take part in our short survey, if you attended this year, and let us know about your experience. We appreciate the feedback!

Parent's Night Outs
Hosted by Nova Adolescent Community

Parents! If you'd like some quality time with each other or just a fun event for your kids, click here to sign up for one of our "Parent's Night Outs". 

Kids 5 years and up are invited to hang out and have some fun with our Nova students and Guides. These will be held in the Nova classroom from 6 to 10 pm. 

These events are part of our Nova MicroEconomy lessons. All proceeds go towards our Spring class trip. We appreciate your support! 

CMS Calendar

  • Sept. 20th - 22nd - Upper El Fall Trip
  • Sept. 25th - Enrichment classes begin
  • Sept. 29th - First Parents Night out hosted by Nova
  • Oct. 9th - School Closure Day
  • Oct. 23rd - Conference Day, no school for students

Sprit Wear is not just for kids!

The mission of Community Montessori School is to provide authentic Montessori education

in a nature-rich environment that cultivates collaboration, curiosity,

love of learning, and respect for oneself, others, and the world.

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