Meet Genessee French, alumni and CMS current parent, who manages a coffee shop and helps her husband run his business.
A: I was at CMS for 6 years - K through fifth grade.
A: I'm now married. My husband Cory and I have a sweet little girl, Harper! I manage a coffee shop in Liberty Hill and help my husband with his company.
A: My favorite memories of CMS were probably all the plays we did when I was in Ms. Veena’s class. I loved rehearsing with my classmates, we would do the plays in the log cabin. Ms. Veena's assistant (my favorite assistant ever) Ms. Sally, would play the piano during our performances! My favorite play we did took place in Japan, and it was super cool to learn about that culture!
A: I chose CMS for my daughter because I love the Montessori philosophy. It’s amazing to see what the little ones are capable of when you give them the opportunity. The Prepared Environments provide room to explore and learn. I was blessed to have had that opportunity when I was younger, and I wanted my daughter to have it as well.
A: I actually transitioned from student to staff member first. I worked with the babies in the Nido community. As a parent, it is great to have seen the school from these varying perspectives.
A: I’m hoping Harper gains a great level of self-confidence from her time at CMS. Being surrounded by adults who are constantly encouraging her to be independent and showing her that she actually is capable of so much can only have a positive effect on her later in life.
A: I loved working on group projects with my peers at CMS. It was so enjoyable to hear everyone’s ideas, work together, and come up with a plan to complete whatever project we were working on. I use many of those problem-solving skills in my day to day work life. I manage my shop with compassion and love for every person who works with me. I am constantly having to problem solve, resolve conflicts with employees, brainstorm with the owners to increase our numbers, etc. I feel that having the experiences I did during my time at CMS definitely had a part in setting me up for success.
A: CMS definitely helped me gain so much independence and confidence in myself. Having that strong foundation at such an early age helped me grow to be the person I am today.
Community Montessori School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex or gender, disability, or age in providing educational services and programs. CMS recognizes that we live in a diverse and interconnected world and strives to create a community that reflects the breadth of human diversity.