How do we measure progress?
What does mastery actually look like? With Spring Conferences just around the corner, we are collectively taking a moment to consider these questions. For Guides in every classroom level, the job of assessing and tracking a child's progress and growth is deeply intertwined with their daily work of guiding children through the Montessori curriculum.
In training programs for Montessori teaching certification, we learn to incorporate daily observation and the importance of record keeping. The Montessori materials are brilliantly designed so that they reveal the child's understanding and skill in their use and practice with materials in the classroom. Elementary and Adolescent students also add in student journaling and regular conferences with the guide as a way of assessing progress.
Peer learning is another great tool we use in the Montessori classroom to assess a student's understanding and skill. Albert Einstein famously said "If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself." Having opportunities to present their work to peers or to show and explain a work to another student are wonderful ways to measure mastery and come with the added bonus of self-discovery!
As you are probably aware, Texas is a prime viewing location for this amazing event on April 8th. By lucky coincidence, CMS is closed that day for Guide-Parent Conferences.
Some have expressed concerns about traffic and travel on the 8th so Guides will be offering alterate times for their conferences. Please check with your Guide (if you haven't already) and be sure you sign up for this important check in regarding your student's progress this year.
If you are planning to view the eclipse with your child, please do so safely! Our friends at Southwestern are hosting an event to help with this (and they have telescopes).
Today's picture day is going very well! It's been fun to see our students endeavoring to look extra sharp! Tomorrow will be Children's House and make ups for anyone who didn't make it today.
Info will be out in the next few weeks regarding ordering photos and yearbooks. Please keep an eye on the Tuesday email for that.
Summer Camp at CMS starts June 3rd and ends July 26th. Casita & Children's House students can enroll for one month or all summer. The YMCA camp enrolls weekly. We also have some special weekly camps for Upper El and Adolescent students. Click on the links below and browse around for more info.
The Engagement committee is hosting a Fundraiser for the school at Kendra Scott in the Domain. Stop by to shop on April 30th from 6 to 8pm. Discounts will be available for our shoppers and if you can't make it in person there are online shopping options as well.
CMS will receive 20% of all purchases during our fundraiser! Proceeds will go towards the new meeting space currently in development.
The mission of Community Montessori School is to provide authentic Montessori education
in a nature-rich environment that cultivates collaboration, curiosity,
love of learning, and respect for oneself, others, and the world.
Community Montessori School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex or gender, disability, or age in providing educational services and programs. CMS recognizes that we live in a diverse and interconnected world and strives to create a community that reflects the breadth of human diversity.