Community Montessori School

Maggie R.

Attended CMS: 2003-2013

From creating props for CMS plays to specializing in video game development, Maggie took her passion for art and transformed it into a skill set that will take her places.

Q: How long were you at CMS?

A: I started in the Children’s House at 3 and left after completing upper elementary.

Q: Where are you now?

 A: I just graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in Game Development and Design.

Q: Describe some of your memorable moments as a student.

A: Most definitely the plays. The first play I remember was when I was in Gina’s class. I was one of three cats. I was determined to bring out my acting skills.  One year I played a dragon. My last play was Pearl – all the classes came together to do it. It was a musical. I played an octopus. I also remember the school trips. My most memorable one was the Galveston trip because we got to go to the beach, and we met with marine biologists who told us about their research. The best part was being able to sleep in the aquarium!

Q: Describe your transition to traditional school.

A: I went to Tippit Middle School. I remember my first day – I wondered what was going on. But I think I got used to it pretty fast. In Tippit, we had dedicated time to certain subjects. We had lecture periods, which was different from CMS. I was able to transition pretty well. There was no real hardship for me.

Q: How did CMS prepare you for middle school and high school?

A: I felt like I had a better understanding of math subjects. I also had pretty decent writing skills. We wrote a lot of short stories. In Tippit, everyone was just beginning long division. I had been doing that since the fourth grade!

Q: What interests did you pursue while you were at CMS? Are you still working on those passions?

A: Art has been a passion of mine since forever! I remember drawing during  transitions. I had other opportunities to create art, like the dragon costume for The Phantom Tollbooth. I also made a costume for Pearl with my mom’s help. Later, I began coding and working on 3D animations. I realized I could take my passion for art and use it in another format.

Q: How do you think your Montessori education prepared you for life?

A: One of my biggest takeaways from CMS was starting my writing skills young. I was able to use those skills later in middle school, high school, and college. I’m dyslexic so having the ability to write at a younger age gave me an advantage. I don’t think I would be where I am today without those initial writing skills.


Q: Do you have advice for our current CMS adolescent students?

A: Follow your passions, follow your dreams. I know that’s kind of cheesy but do what you enjoy, and you should be happy with your life and your education.

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