Community Montessori School

Neha S.

Attended CMS: 2001-2007

Entrepreneur Neha S. balances her creative and logical side through her wedding planning and accounting businesses.

Q: How long were you at CMS?

A: I joined when I was 5, and my mom was my guide. I left CMS when I finished fifth grade.

Q: What was it like having your mom as your guide?

A: I totally took advantage of it. I got all my friends in the classroom to call my mom “Amma,” which means mom. I definitely created some ruckus for her. 

Q: Where are you now?

A: I run a financial planning company with my husband, and I am a part-time wedding planner. I think the creative part of me really liked the wedding planning side and the logical part of me still needed my day job.


Q: What are some of your most memorable moments at CMS?

A: The thing that stands out to me is the actual environment of the school. I loved the farm-like, secluded feel of the school with its beautiful gardens and chicken coop. I also remember the big CMS tree that we used to climb on and play under for hours. 

Q: Describe your transition to high school after your time at CMS?

A: It was pretty easy for me. I was able to adapt quickly. I didn’t feel behind or anything. I felt I had learned so much more at CMS. In sixth grade, we had a geography class and the subject was completely new to my classmates. I wondered how they did not know the oceans and the continents. I had worked on the flags and maps since I was in first grade!

Q: What were your interests when you were at CMS and do you still pursue those passions?

A: When I was in the Children’s House we would write out scripts for plays that we would then enact. We created the costume and background sets. Those experiences fired up my passion for Performing Arts. I continue that passion even today. I’m involved in the theater scene in Austin and perform regularly.


Q: How do you think Montessori education prepared you for life?

A: The Practical Life skills we were taught at CMS helped me in college. I remember none of my friends knew how to even sew a button. I was known as the “seamstress.” If something had to be fixed or if a button fell off everyone would come to me.

Q: Do you have any advice for current CMS adolescent students?

A: Live in the moment and cherish your time at CMS because not every school is as special. Not every environment is going to be so beautiful, peaceful, and calm. Enjoy learning and exploring the topics that you want to study. It’s a unique opportunity that you have. 

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