Niko developed the ability to connect with people from different cultures at CMS. Now he aspires to serve as a United States diplomat.
A: I joined CMS when I was three. I left after upper elementary.
A: I am currently a student at St. Edward’s University. I’m working on a double major in political science and economics. My long-term plan is to go abroad and be a diplomat.
A: I remember going into the kitchen and baking focaccia bread every now and then. I remember another time I confused the sugar for the salt. I also enjoyed recess on the field with the big oak tree. We played Capture the Flag and Freeze Tag. I have fond memories of the teachers. Gina was a really impactful person for me, as were Cindy, and Jinny.
A: On the first day of school, I walked into the classroom and chose a spot not realizing there was a seating chart. Traditional school was something I had to work through and adapt to. I made some connections pretty quickly and got support from the teachers. CMS gave me a good foundation for math and other subjects so I was never behind. I was actually ahead of the curriculum. The next year, I went to Meridian, and I got to see friends I had made back in CMS.
A: Montessori is tactile, which is my learning style. So it did prepare me not just academically, but also in critical thinking. That is where Montessori helped me a lot. I developed my critical thinking because of the way that everything was presented at CMS.
A: I really got into cooking at CMS, but now I’ve grown out of that a little bit. I developed my love of reading at CMS. And I still read a ton today.
A: CMS helped me with my ability to connect with people from different cultures. The kind of cultural awareness I developed has supported me in life, in general.
A: Keep in touch with all your CMS friends after you leave. Now that there are phones, it is easier. They are a really good support group to have. And don’t be afraid to ask questions because you think you will look dumb. I promise you that is not true. By being willing to ask questions, you prepare yourself for your next step in life.
Community Montessori School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex or gender, disability, or age in providing educational services and programs. CMS recognizes that we live in a diverse and interconnected world and strives to create a community that reflects the breadth of human diversity.