Community Montessori School

Rebecca H.

Attended CMS: 1996-2001

Rebecca didn’t like public school, so she graduated early! Now, she works in education and does her part in making learning fun for others.

Q: How long were you at CMS?

A: I was at CMS from age 3 until the fourth grade. 

Q: Where are you now?

A: I am currently getting a second master's in School Psychology. Currently, I work in the Special Education department at Meridian.

Q: Describe some of your memorable moments as a student.

A: My favorite memories involve the big lessons we learned in elementary, like the Timeline of Life. And going outside the red building and rolling out the timeline of life on the sidewalk is one of my favorite memories. The Serendipity at the festival we had at the community center is a huge memory as is the CD of songs we made in Jeff’s class.

Q: Describe your transition to traditional school.

A: It was a rough transition for me. I didn’t love it. When I was at CMS, I would wake up on the weekend and ask if it was a school day because I loved school. In public school, I was surprised by how little people wanted to learn. I was also the only Jewish person. At CMS, it's all about celebrating differences.  But in public school, those differences were not celebrated. So it was a hard transition for me. But I actually, graduated early because of that!

Q: How did CMS prepare you for middle school and high school?

A: I think one of the things that I took with me forever was that information and learning are special and fun. And so even though I didn't enjoy my transition from middle school to public middle school, I had that instilled sense of internal motivation. Even when things were hard, I knew how to push through.

Q: What interests did you pursue while you were at CMS? Are you still working on those passions?

A: I loved all of the areas, but I was very into handwork. I have a lot of sewing projects that I created in elementary, and now I am a quilter. I would say that carried through. And I  was a voracious reader when I was in school and my undergrad was in English.  I feel like almost everything has traveled with me.

Q: How do you think your Montessori education prepared you for life?

A: Oh in so many ways!  But the biggest is going back to the lesson that Jeff taught us – that we choose the story we tell about ourselves.

Q: Do you have advice for our current CMS adolescent students?

A: Think big! There are so many opportunities available to you, take those with you forever and soak it all up. Don’t let go of your love of learning and curiosity. Keep asking questions.

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