Community Montessori School

Savannah B.

Attended CMS: 2000-2005

Meet Savannah B., LSU’s Regional Admissions Counselor, who credits her time at CMS with helping her to think critically and problem-solve.

Q: How long were you at CMS?

A: I started at CMS when I was 18 months old and left as I was going into first grade (2000-2005). I started at the original campus and then moved with the school when it moved to the current campus! I came back and worked as a summer camp counselor at CMS in 2018, 2019, and 2020.

Q: Where are you now?

A: I now work for Louisiana State University as a Regional Admissions Counselor in DFW! Reach out if you are interested in going to college at LSU!

Q: What are some of your most memorable moments at CMS?

A: CMS memories that I remember (I was young) were going to Serendipity, playing in the log cabin on the playground, growing things in my classroom backyard, classroom tea time, and making snacks! Ms. Cindy was one of my guides during my last year or so there, and I loved reconnecting with her! As a counselor, it was a blast coming back to the space where I grew up.

Q: Describe your transition to traditional school after your time at CMS?

A: I left CMS so I could start public school in first grade. At that time, they definitely didn’t have middle school at CMS. It took a while to adjust to traditional school.  I was not used to having to sit all day. My teachers wanted me to write in print instead of cursive. But once I established friendships, I was good! 

Q: Which schools did you attend after CMS?

A: I transferred to Carver Elementary in GISD and graduated from East View High School in 2017 before going to TCU for my bachelor's and Master’s degree. 

Q: What are some of your hobbies? Did you pursue anything at CMS that you are still involved in?

A: I loved being outside. I still do!

Q: How do you think Montessori education prepared you for life?

A: My Montessori education prepared me to think critically, problem solve, and be comfortable with the lack of rigid structure that comes with advanced degrees and adult life!

Q: Do you have any advice for current CMS adolescent students?

A: You will be more than prepared for your next steps after CMS! Take what you learned and apply it to the next part of your educational journey! 

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