Community Montessori School
The Power of Nature
Stephanie Sayre • April 9, 2024


I hope all of you got to experience the total solar eclipse in some way yesterday! Despite the clouds, it was a pretty amazing event. A great reminder of how we are connected to nature and the world around us, even when we don't feel like it sometimes. Today may be an "inside day" at school with the rain and mud preventing outside play. Tomorrow, however, is another day! 

I hope you all have saved the date and are planning to attend the Good Earth Celebration on Friday, April 19th after school from 3:15 to 5:15. We'll have the ever popular petting zoo, tractor rides and will again be releasing ladybugs in the Courtyard. It's a great event for connecting with nature on our beautiful campus this Spring.


As you know, this year our Great Kindness Week challenge was supporting the Kids for Peace school in Kenya by collecting coins. Those efforts raised enough to fund these 35 children. Students in the Redbud community recently wrapped up an additional collection effort and have added another $255.00 to that total, which means that CMS can support another 5 children.  Way to go CMS! 


Click HERE to order the 2023-24 CMS Yearbook for your child. We've have a great year and are looking forward to sharing all the highlights. Orders close on April 23rd so do it today! 

Thanks to Tirzah for her hard work in putting this wonderful keepsake together!


  • Casita & Children's House sign up here for CMS camp
  • Elementary students sign up here for the YMCA camp (in Clubhouse)
  • Adolescent & Upper El students sign up here for Nova camps

CMS Calendar

  • April 18 - Montessori Model UN Presentation NIght, 5:30 - 7:00 @ Georgetown Rec Center
  • April 19 - Good Earth Celebration, 3-5pm
  • April 24-26 - Upper Elementary Spring Trip
  • April 25-26 - Lower Elementary Full Cycles Overnight Trip
  • April 29-May 3 - Montessori MMUN Conference in Rome

The mission of Community Montessori School is to provide authentic Montessori education

in a nature-rich environment that cultivates collaboration, curiosity,

love of learning, and respect for oneself, others, and the world.

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