Community Montessori School
The World of Montessori
Stephanie Sayre • October 24, 2023

The Montessori curriculum includes geography and the study of the world around us from a very early age. Young students in the Children's House adore working with puzzle maps. Initially they become familiar with the globe, continents, and oceans. They learn the names of countries and states and take pride in learning to read and write them. They enjoy working with flags and exploring land and water forms. As they move into their elementary years, students expand their understanding through science lessons related to the earth's rotation, tectonic plates, and biomes. All the while, we relate what we learn about the earth to the different people living there. This includes languages spoken, forms of housing, cultural traditions, and more.

With the International Festival less than two weeks away, CMS students have been diving in to learn about the country their class will be representing. In music time, Marshal has been sharing songs from other lands and we are excited to share all this with you at the festival. One of my favorite parts is the gigantic world map we pull out so all our CMS families can pin their country of origin. It's amazing to see dots all of the world coming together right here at CMS!


November 4th, 10am to 12 noon

We're just a few weeks away from our annual International Festival. Please save the date and make plans to attend! 


Each class chooses a country to represent and creates a display. Children receive a passport and collect stickers for every country they visit. Inflatables globes are given out at the end. In addition to all that fun, we have Music with Marshal, a Nova sale and a Book Fair. You don't want to miss it!


The CMS annual Book Fair will take place October 30th thru November 4th this year. Paper Pie Book Fair will be set up in the office conference room and available during office hours so plan on stopping by to browse! If you prefer online shopping, you can do that too! Preview books or shop online here

The Book Fair will also be available in the Library during the International Festival on Nov. 4th, from 10 to 11am. 

CMS Calendar

  • Oct. 30th to Nov. 4th - Paper Pie Book Fair 
  • Nov. 4th - International Festival, 10am to 12noon
  • Nov. 10th - Nova Parent Night Out, 6 to 10pm RSVP here
  • Nov. 20 - 24th - No School, Thanksgiving break

Cold weather Spriit Wear is here!

The mission of Community Montessori School is to provide authentic Montessori education

in a nature-rich environment that cultivates collaboration, curiosity,

love of learning, and respect for oneself, others, and the world.

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