Community Montessori School
We're off to a Great start
Stephanie Sayre • August 20, 2024

We're off to a great start!

Students came back ready to go and we've jumped right in to lessons and Montessori work. For most, its a mixture of new presentations alongside past favorities with perhaps a little refreshing and reminding also in the mix. 

A primary focus for us in the first weeks of school is creating community. Guides have a variety of activities and routines to facilitate this, depending on the age of the students in their class. Playing games to learn the names of classmates and find common interests is not only fun, it sets the stage for collaborative learning throughout the school year.  *Spoiler alert - we're going to offer a way for parents to help their child learn their classmates names, stay tuned for more on this in the next few weeks.

Last but definitely not least - it's important to establish school and classroom rules in the first days of school. At CMS we expect students to be safe and respectful.  We find that those two words cover just about everything! 

This year, we are using Second Step's bullying prevention materials to inform our Montessori practices and ensure that all students have a positive school experience. Parents can use this 
At Home sheet to discuss safe and respectful rules, both at home and at school, with their child.

The Anxious Generation Parent Event

We are excited to invite you to join in on this important conversation!  The Anxious Generation is a new book topping the charts because it is so relevant for children and families today. Psychologist Jonathan Haidt looks at societal factors contributing to a mental health crisis among adolescents and suggests how families and schools can foster resilience and well-being in children.

Join CMS Executive Director Stephanie Sayre and Guides Jody French and Charlie Applegate for a lively lunch-time discussion! 
Sign up now and get reading (or listening - the sign up also has a podcast link)

CMS Calendar

  • Sept. 2nd - School Closed
  • Sept. 10th - PE starts (elementary only)
  • Sept. 11-13th - Nova community fall trip
  • Sept. 21st - Montessori Journey, 9 to 11:30am
  • Sept. 25-27th - Redbud community fall trip

Fridays are Spirit Days at CMS. Shop for tees HERE.

The mission of Community Montessori School is to provide authentic Montessori education

in a nature-rich environment that cultivates collaboration, curiosity,

love of learning, and respect for oneself, others, and the world.

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