Community Montessori School
Welcome Back!
Stephanie Sayre • August 15, 2023

It's wonderful to see everyone on campus today. Welcome back! It's always amazing to see how much the students have changed and grown over the summer. Today we welcomed back our Adolescent and Elementary students, as well as our returning students in Children's House and Casita. Over the next two weeks, new students will join us and everyone will settle into the school routine. The first weeks are all about reconnecting with old friends and making new ones, telling stories about our summer adventures, and remembering the Montessori work that we love. We're happy you're here!


As I'm sure you're aware, the forecast calls for continuing "excessive heat" in the next week or two. Please be sure to send FULL water bottles to school every day. Our staff will make sure your child drinks and refills as needed. 

During this very hot weather, students will still go outside for recess but the time will be a bit shorter. Shade and water breaks will be called for by staff. We're all looking forward to a break and maybe some rain soon (hope I didn't jinx it!).

CMS Calendar

  • Aug. 15th - 1st Day of School
  • Sept. 4th - School Closed
  • Sept. 5th - PE & Music rotations begin
  • Sept. 6th - 8th - Nova Fall Trip

Stay hydrated with CMS SPIRIT WEAR!

The mission of Community Montessori School is to provide authentic Montessori education in a nature-rich environment that cultivates collaboration, curiosity, love of learning, and respect for oneself, others, and the world.

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