Community Montessori School
Re-Enrollment is Open!
Stephanie Sayre • March 5, 2024

Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is now open for current families. Parents will need to create an account in School Cues to complete the process. The re-enrollment period ends March 22nd. 


"We observe that a child occupied with matters that awaken his interest seems to blossom, to expand, evincing undreamed of character traits; his abilities give him great satisfaction, and he smiles with a sweet and joyous smile."
Maria Montessori, Citizen of the World


A huge thank you to everyone who turned out Friday for the Denim & Diamond Gala. It was a lovely evening - a beautiful location, good food, and great company. 

The results are still being finalized but it looks as if we exceeded our fundraising goal, surpassing $50,000 raised. Proceeds will go towards the new performance & meeting hall - which will be named the W.D. Kelly Hall (the winning bid at the live auction). Thanks so much for the amazing show of support!


Summer Camp at CMS starts June 3rd and ends July 26th. Casita & Children's House students can enroll for one month or all summer. The YMCA camp enrolls weekly. We also have some special weekly camps for Upper El and Adolescent students. Click on the links below and browse around for more info.

  • Casita & Children's House students sign up here with CMS for camp
  • Elementary students sign up here with the YMCA for camp  ***NOTE: The YMCA sign up for CMS begins on week 2 of their summer program. They have other locations offering camp the week of May 27th.  Please go by the dates listed to ensure you are signing up for the weeks you want. 
  • Adolescent & Upper El students students can sign up here for 4 weekly camps from our Nova Guides. Each week has a different theme! 

CMS Calendar

  • March 11 - 15 - Spring Break
  • March 22 - Nova Parent's Night Out, 6-10pm
  • March 29 & April 1 - School Closure days
  • April 8 - Conference Day

Spring Spirit Wear is here! 

The mission of Community Montessori School is to provide authentic Montessori education

in a nature-rich environment that cultivates collaboration, curiosity,

love of learning, and respect for oneself, others, and the world.

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